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Calendar Event Request Form

This form is to be used at Northwest to request additions to the University's online calendar. Events submitted must be organized, hosted, sponsored or co-sponsored by a University entity.

Web services will try to add requested events to the University calendar as soon as receiving a submitted form. Incomplete requests will not be added to the University calendar, and Web services reserves the right to deny requests that do not align with Northwest's mission. 

Contacts will receive an email confirmation after their event is added to the University calendar. If changes need to be made to a calendar listing, contact the Web team at

Note - If you have thumbnail or banner images in add for your event, please email images to in conjunction with your form submission. Image(s) should not be a flyer, or include the event's content, rather, that should be included in the description.  

What? (required)

Would you like to copy/reference a past event? If yes, fill in anything that needs updated from the past event.: (Its helpful to reference similar events or events in a series to ensure similar content and filters are included.)

(Limited to 100 characters)

Hold down the Ctrl (windows) or Command (Mac) to select multiple options.

Hold down the Ctrl (windows) or Command (Mac) to select multiple options.

(Limited to 6,000 characters - email additional materials if that helps share important information.)

*Do you have images or thumbnails?:

If yes, share the image(s) via email with Image(s) should not be a flyer, or include the event's content, rather, that should be included in the description. For web accessibility purposes, images with too much text may be modified or excluded. 

When? (required)

Start Date/Time:

End Date/Time:


Where? (required)

(if applicable)

(e.g., "Room 105," "Ballroom")

Whom to Contact? (required)



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